TSX-V: TECT $0.06 OTCQB: TETOF $0.04086 Gold $3,027 Presentation

Values In Action

Our People
Health & Safety
Action Against Racism

Our values are in
in all that we do. 

We know we are successful when we manage the economic, social and environmental aspects of our business in a manner that aligns with our core values. We integrate our values into our operations and consider them at each decision point. 

We believe that ongoing assessment and reduction of environmental, social and safety risks is required to optimize benefits to our investors, local communities and ourselves. 

We know our work can be a catalyst for economic development and improved social well-being in the areas where we work and we actively pursue opportunities to maximize these opportunities. 

We are a committed team with experience and reputations that validate our ability to put our values into action. 


View our values in action:

Project 1


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Project 2


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