TSX-V: TECT $0.055 OTCQB: TETOF $0.03805 Gold $2,935 Presentation



Flat is in the Kuskokwim Mineral Belt just 40km north of the giant Donlin Gold Project and hosts intrusive-hosted, sheeted quartz vein gold mineralization similar to that found at the Fort Knox (Alaska) and Eagle (Yukon) gold mines owned and operated by Kinross Gold Corporation and Victoria Gold Corporation respectively. Since 1908, when gold was first discovered at Flat, the immediate vicinity has been notable as an area of significant placer gold mining activity with an estimated 1.4 million ounces of placer gold produced from streams draining Chicken Mountain1.


  1. “Mineral Occurrence and Development Potential Report, Locatable and Salable Minerals, Bering Sea-Western Interior Resource Management Plan, BLM-Alaska Technical Report 60”, prepared by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, November 2010.
Project 01
Project 02