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The Seventymile project is wholly contained within land owned by Doyon, Ltd., an Alaska Native Corporation. It consists of an approximately 150,000-acre land position that covers a 42-km section of the Seventymile Terrane.
The project is located in the Eagle Mining District, approximately 270 km east of Fairbanks and about 59 km west of the town of Eagle, Alaska. The town of Eagle is located at the northern terminus of the Taylor Highway, a 3-season gravel roadway, and is accessible by air from Fairbanks on daily scheduled flights. The Seventymile property is currently accessible by helicopter and small fixed-wing aircraft via a private airstrip at Alder Creek. In addition, a winter trail accessing historic placer workings at Flume Creek extends west to the property from Eagle. Elevations on the property range from 365 metres in valley bottoms to up to 1,800m in the southern reaches of the property. The terrain is relatively moderate, with plateaus locally deeply incised by northward draining streams.